definition digest



3 bets TAGs $cardrange

Sunday, January 1, 2012|Tags: Any Game Type, Reraises

This definition will create a note showing how often and with what range a player 3 bets versus players of player type TAG




4 bets TAG $cardrange

Sunday, January 1, 2012|Tags: Any Game Type, Reraises

This definition will create a note showing how often and with what range a player 4 bets versus players of player type TAG





Sunday, December 11, 2011|Tags: Any Game Type, Continuation Bets, Turn, Badges





Sunday, December 11, 2011|Tags: Any Game Type, Versus Hero, Reraises, Badges




steals hero's blind $definitionversusstat more often than other players'

Sunday, December 11, 2011|Tags: Any Game Type, Versus Hero, Blinds, Badges

This definition will create a badge for players who attempt to steal the hero's (your) blinds significantly more often than the player pool's average

