definition digest



Calls flop 3Bet $flopposition $flophandrange

Friday, November 11, 2011|Tags: Any Game Type, Reraises, Flop, Turn

This note will show what range of hands a player raise/calls the flop with chips remaining behind (had to act turn)




Raises pre then chk/folds flop vs hero

Friday, November 11, 2011|Tags: Any Game Type, Versus Hero, Continuation Bets, Flop

This note/stat will show the frequency with which a player will check/fold the flop after open raising pre flop and going to the flop only with the hero




hero steals SBvBB

Friday, October 21, 2011|Tags: Any Game Type, Versus Hero, Blinds, In Position

This note will show how often the hero attempted to steal a player's big blind from the small blind




folds to hero 3 bet

Friday, September 23, 2011|Tags: Versus Hero, Reraises

This player open raises, then gets 3 bet by the hero and folds




defends $cardrange

Tuesday, August 30, 2011|Tags: Heads Up

